Saturday, 5 February 2011

Debian 6.0 release is happening now

Debian Squeeze 6.0

As predicted - the release is starting this weekend 5/6 February 2011. IRC channels are starting to buzz -- #debian-release - and there's also a live commentary session at

For many people, this is yawn-worthy: Debian stable is seen as old, outdated, outmoded. This is the climax of two years work.

Debian 6.0 will be supported for the lifetime of this release + one year if the past few releases are a guide.

A wrap up release 5.0.9 is planned for the previous Debian 5.0 [Etch Lenny] which will be supported for another year.

Debian works on many machine architectures: it's the upstream for Ubuntu and many other Debian derivatives: it works in many languages, has 1034 developers and maintainers maintaining 28693 packages [last number may vary fractionally depending on machine/architecture].

This is big - and I'm pleased and proud to be part of it. Oh, and there's now over 80 parties worldwide to celebrate :)

[UPDATE - Thanks to my colleagues who pointed out my mistake - Debian 4.0 was Etch, 5.0 is Lenny, 6.0 is Squeeze and 7.x will be Wheezy. Developer/maintainer and party numbers also updated]