Saturday, 9 July 2022

20220709 2100 UTC - Finished Debian media testing for the day

 I've just finished my last test: Sledge is finishing his and will then push the release out. Today's been a bit slow and steady - but we've finally got there.

Thanks, as ever, due to the release team for actually giving us an update, the press team for announcements - and, of course, the various sponsors, administrators and maintainers of Debian infrastructure like and the CD building machines.

It's been a quiet release for the media team in terms of participation - we've not had our usual tester for debian-edu and it's been a bit subdued altogether.

Not even as many blog posts as usual: I suppose I'll make up for it in August at the BBQ in Cambridge - if we don't all get another lockdown / COVID-19 variants / fuel prices at ££££ per litre to dissuade us.

Testing 11.4 Debian media images - almost finished - 20220709 1933 UTC

 We're flagging a bit now, I think but close to the end. The standard Debian images caused no problems: Sledge and I are just finishing up the last few live images to test now.

Thanks, as ever, to the crew: RattusRattus and Isy, Sledge struggling through feeling awful. No debian-edu testing today, unfortunately, but that almost never breaks anyway.

Everyone's getting geared up for Kosovo - you'll see the other three there with any luck - and you'd catch all of us at the BBQ in Cambridge. It's going to be a hugely busy month and a bit for Steve and the others. :)

As has become traditional - blogging as part of the media release for Debian 11.4 - 202207091436 UTC

 A lower profile release today: Sledge working in the background as affected by COVID. RattusRattus and Isy doing sterling service on the other side of Cambridge, /me over here.

Testing on the standard install media is pretty much done: Isy, Andy and Sledge have moved on to testing the live images.

Stupidly hot for UK - it's 28 degrees indoors with windows open.

All good so far :)