Saturday, 10 June 2023

202306101949 - Release of install media - scripts running now

People are working quietly, cross-checking, reading back steps and running individual steps - we're really almost there for the install media.

Just had a friendly, humorous meal out by the barbeque in Sledge's garden. It's been quite a long day but we're just finished.

All this and then we'll probably have the first point release for Bookworm 12.1 in about a month. That will contain some few fixes which came in at the last minute and any other issues we've found today.


202306101353 - Release testing of media in full swing

 Most of the install images for Debian media have now been tested.

Various folk are now testing the live media.

We have been joined by a couple of people in IRC who have also done a few tests.

Useful things to note :)

The release name is Bookworm *not* Bookwork.

Debian 13 will be Trixie when it gets here: testing will be re-enabled shortly.

The release notes detail the changes in /etc/apt/sources.list to accommodate the changes to non-free-firmware but also see also Sources List on the Debian wiki.

202306101010 - Debian release preparations and boot media testing in Cambridge

 We've all met up in Cambridge - so there's an egw_, amacater, kibi who has travelled over to join us, Isy, RattusRattus and Sledge mostly sat round a table. The usual number of laptops, three monitors, Rattus' tower machine.

Network running well and we're all ready to go, I think - there's normally a flurry of activity to get things started then a wait for a while for the first images

Coffee and tea at the ready - bacon sandwiches are on the way

[And the build process is under way - and smcv has joined us]