Saturday 9 May 2020

CD image testing for Buster release 4 - 202005091950 - Most install images checking out well

Lots of hard work going on. schweer has just validated all of the Debian Edu images.  Most of the normal install images have gone through tests with only a few minor hitches. Now moving on to the Live images. These take longer to download and test but we're working through them gradually.

As ever: a point release doesn't mean that the Debian you have is now obsolete - an apt-get / aptitude update will bring you up to the latest release very quickly. If you are updating regularly, you will have most of these files anyway. One small thing: the tools may report that the release version has changed. This is quite normal - base files have changed to reflect the new point release and this causes the notification. The notification is a small warning so that you are not taken by complete surprise but it is quite normal in the circumstances of a Debian point release.

Thanks to the other folk doing the hard work: 10+ hours and continuing.

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