Saturday 26 September 2020

There's a Debian point release for Debian stable happening this weekend - 10.6

 Nothing particularly new or unexpected: there's a point release happening at some point this weekend for Debian stable. Usual rules apply: if you've already got a system current and up to date, there's not much to do but the base files version will change at some point to reflect 10.6 when you next update. 

If you have media from 10.5, you may not _have_ to go and get media this weekend but it's always useful to get new media in due course. There's an updated kernel and an ABI bump. You _will_ need to reboot at some time to use the new kernel image.

This point release will contain security fixes, consequent changes etc. as usual - it is always good and useful to keep machines up to date.

Working with the CD team to eventually test, build and release CD / DVD images and media as and when files gradually become available. As ever, this may take 12-16 hours. As ever, I'll post some blog entries as we go.

Currently "sitting in Cambridge" via video link with Sledge, RattusRattus and Isy who are all involved in the testing and we'll have a great day, as ever.

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